Crasholito's Blog

Never Mess with a Crasholito

Hate List

As you may know we have a hate list, it looks short now but it will increase with time.

  1. Amadeus Mozart a.k.a Vicky also known as elefante. Description: She loves to come back and pretend she is an innocent little girl but then she starts swearing and sending her friends to insult other people. You should just do the dirty job yourself.
  2. Melody a.k.a cucaracha. Description: She likes to swear and swear and she doesn't even know what she is talking about, her favorite word is "bitch" i wonder if she knows what it means.
  3. Renesmee a.k.a chupacabras also known as nina tiburon. She is really annoying, she had a crush for Jasper Jackson prince hardy and they had a baby that talked just like her. Amadeus Mozart believed that Jasper Jackson was a girl but she never told her sweet mother.
  4. Bells Vulturi. Description:  she is really snobbish and she believes that she invented the "we" thing.
  5. Uncle Alexio. Description: he has more accounts than anyone else, we already lost trAck, he lost the name alex, alexio, alexia he loves to be a volturi. He loves talking to himself and at this point he is not afraid anymore and he is very proud of all his accounts, maybe one day one of you will show him how to hide his playlist and resize his photos.
  6. Quil Dunkan a.k.a the wizard of weverly place. Description: he loves selena gomez, his gf is selena gomez, his sister is selena gomez, his mother is selena gomez and he loves David Henrie we believe he was brainwashed. He left a wonderful and brilliant future to be trapped in a horrible nightmare full of cotton candy and disney characters, he secretly admires the jonas brothers and he wears zac efron's undies *smile*
  7. Amazonia a.k.a emozonia description: she is a player she flirts with every other guy now she says she has found the love of her life, let's see how long that lasts for im sure she will get bored soon *yawning*
  8. Melanie Friki a.k.a Zabroza. Description: She can be extremely annoying and her screams leave you deaf, also as Amadeus, she sents her friends to swear or attack to other people. She claims to be the Original Crasholita but now she changed and joined the Pipi team. I consider that as a betrayal to her original team, don't you think?
This section is dedicated to Clystal  and Koultney you will always be hated. You ale not a plincess this aint a felly tail, you wele just annoying!